
Most of what I write will probably end up posted here, but I’ve also had some writing published on the sites below. I do voluntary writing tasks and commissions, contact me (email / Protonmail) if you’d like my help with writing or researching something related to anthropology and activism.

Samba-fusion: marching to our own drums
ZNetwork (originally Red Pepper)

European samba-fusion is a tiny genre of grassroots music inspired by Brazilian samba percussion. Activism is integral to the samba-fusion movement – whether explicitly as protest, or implicitly as building inclusive music-making communities.

A brightly-coloured activist march in Parliament Square, London. A person in a black coat and cap plays a yellow drum at the front.

The Silent Activist
Extinction Rebellion York

I reflect on how playing a really big drum helped me find my voice in climate activism. Written for Extinction Rebellion York.

A Woman’s Place: Can all women use the women’s toilet?
Oxford Brookes Culture and Care

Why do some people think trans women should use men’s toilets? In this article I wrote as part of my undergraduate degree, I argue that this is a relic of Victorian sexism.

A big march of climate protesters in Glasgow. The people at the front of the photo have drums.

drumming up support: learning to organise with a student samba-fusion band

Unfortunately, it looks like this link has expired. I’m keeping it here in case the site is activated again!

Why we need trans-inclusive language

Unfortunately, it looks like this link has expired. I’m keeping it here in case the site is activated again!

A sticker in a public place reads “trans happiness is real”.